Quality Control

At Ho Tin, we believe that our customers define quality. Customers measure the benefits against the costs and select the product and experience that provides superior value. We, therefore, define Quality as customer perceived value.

1. Our Quality Policy

Achieve excellence in Customer Satisfaction by providing them with the best value products.

2. Our Commitments

Diligence: Provide products and services on time, utilizing efficient methods.
Loyalty: Meet all commitments to customers on time.
Innovation:Develop innovative and defect free products using well-defined processes and the best available technology.
Quality: Provide our customers with only quality products and services.

3. Our Missions and Goals

a. Provide a system of employee involvement, motivation and training.
b. Provide open, effective communications with our customers in order to undestand their needs.
c. Provide open, effective communications with our suppliers.
d. Achieve customers' complete satisfaction ultimately.

Quality Management System

